The Daily Mail has the headline 'The Voice of Conscience' 《每日邮报》的头版标题为“良知的声音”。
Beautiful souls: saying no, breaking ranks, and heeding the voice of conscience in dark times. 美丽灵魂:说不,打破等级,留心黑暗时代中道德之音;
In so far as it is a voice reminding us of our obligations and commitments conscience is what he calls the will memory. 目前为止,这是提醒我们义务,以及承诺的声音,意识,被他称为意志记忆。
Or, rather, it leaves the solution to the voice of God, which speaks to the conscience of the individual only in the particular case. 应该诉诸上帝的声音来解决,而上帝声音只是面对特殊的情况在个人良心里向人宣示。
To hearken to the voice of conscience is a good rule. 倾听良心的呼声是一个很好的准则。
He spoke to Americans as the voice of conscience. 他向美国人民发出了肺腑之言。
His remedies – that businesses look beyond immediate shareholder return and that the rich heed "the still, small voice of conscience" and give something back – are fine for those disposed to listen. 对于那些愿意倾听的人而言,他开出的药方企业不要只顾眼前的股东回报,富人要聆听“寂静微小的良知声音”并回报社会还不错。